What is Stomach (Gastric) Botox? How is It Done?

Stomach Botox is one of the non-surgical obesity methods that include endoscopic Botox application to the stomach. Stomach Botox in Turkey is a popular procedure. This process aims to give you a feeling of fullness for a longer time. With the feeling of fullness for a longer time, your consumption amount decreases, and you can easily follow a diet. Thanks to the feeling gastric Botox in Turkey gives you; you can easily reach the weight you want by combining it with physical exercise.

Thanks to stomach Botox in Turkey, the function of your stomach muscles temporarily reduce. Thus, the digestion time of food in your stomach dramatically extends. As a result, you don’t feel hungry due to the freezing of your nerves.

Who are the Ideal Candidates for Stomach Botox?

Ideal candidates for stomach Botox in Turkey are men and women between 18 and 67 with a Body Mass Index (BMI) below 40. If you have a complication or injury problem in your abdomen, stomach Botox may not be suitable for you. If you have difficulty dieting or haven’t had any results from long-term diet and exercise activities, this procedure is for you!

With stomach Botox in Turkey, you can lose much weight in a few months. The rate and duration of weight loss after stomach Botox varies according to your genetic structure, age, and eating habits.

It is imperative to bring a new system to your eating habits for the success of stomach Botox results. If you don’t adapt your eating habits to a healthy rhythm, it is inevitable to regain your lost weight. At the same time, exercising for at least an hour daily will help you maintain your weight loss.

However, check out the candidates who aren’t suitable for stomach Botox in Turkey:

  • This procedure may not work for those with a Body Mass Index over 40. You might consider bariatric surgery instead.
  • Muscle and nerve diseases are an obstacle to the procedure.
  • This procedure doesn’t recommend for people with stomach problems such as gastritis or ulcers.
  • Children under the age of 16 aren’t suitable for this procedure.
  • Pregnant women and those with severe allergies are also unsuitable for this procedure.
  • Surgeons don’t recommend this procedure for those with stomach cancer.

How is Stomach Botox Performed?

Gastric Botox in Turkey is straightforward and fast. Take a closer look at the stomach Botox steps in Turkey:

  • Consultation and preparation

You will consult with our surgeon for stomach Botox. Our surgeon will thoroughly explain all the procedure details to you during the preparation process. Before the procedure, the surgeon may ask you to do some tests.

  • Anesthesia

You will receive anesthesia for your comfort. Thus, you will not experience any pain or ache during the procedure.

  • Process

The surgeon uses an endoscope for gastric Botox. With the help of the endoscope, the specialist injects Botox into specific places in the abdomen. After these injections, some of your stomach muscles will lose their contraction. Thus, your fullness extends.

The procedure can take an average of 20 to 30 minutes. After stomach Botox in Turkey, you can continue your daily routine without pain. The most crucial point you should pay attention to after the surgery is to pay attention to your diet.

Stomach Botox Advantages

Check out the advantages of stomach Botox in Turkey:

  • It isn’t a surgical procedure, and the surgeon doesn’t make incisions. Thus, you have virtually no risk of side effects or complications.
  • Thanks to this procedure, you can get rid of your excess weight in a short time without surgery.
  • Your recovery will not take long. Resuming your social activities a few hours after the procedure is possible.
  • You will be discharged on the same day without needing hospitalization.
  • Since you will not hospitalize, the cost is also meager in parallel.
  • It is a highly painless procedure.

Recovery After Stomach Botox

You should pay attention to your diet after stomach Botox in Turkey. It would be best if you continued to eat liquids for the first three days. It would be best if you preferred non-carbonated drinks. In particular, your tea, coffee, and infusions should be completely sugar-free. It would be best if you didn’t use alcohol because it prevents fats from melting due to high calories. During the first week, you should be fed soft foods.

It takes 3 to 8 months for the medicine applied to your body to eliminate from your body. Since gastric Botox is a drug eliminated from your body, it doesn’t harm the stomach. Many people lose weight with stomach Botox.

Of course, this will help you lose weight consistently. First, since this process will keep you full for a long time, it will be impossible to stay hungry frequently. However, just having gastric Botox isn’t enough to lose weight. As long as you pay attention to what you eat, follow a diet prepared by your doctor, and exercise, it is possible to reach your desired weight in a short time in a healthy way.

Stomach Botox Cost

The stomach Botox cost in Turkey varies according to many factors. Location, surgeon’s experience, facilities, anesthesia, and medical supplies allow the prices of stomach Botox in Turkey to change. However, surgical costs in Turkey are almost three times lower than in the UK, the US, and other countries. You can schedule a meeting with our specialist to learn the exact costs and detailed information about the procedure.

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