Tummy Tuck

Loose stomach skin is widespread after significant weight loss or pregnancy. Tummy Tuck eliminates this problem. A good result in the Tummy Tuck procedure is that you aren’t overweight (BMI max 27).

Tummy Tuck in Turkey aims to remove excess skin in the abdomen. If your abdominal muscles are separated, they also repair.

This procedure isn’t a slimming method but a tightening of the skin in the abdomen. If you are very overweight, you should lose weight before surgery because excess weight makes a worse outcome and increases the risk of complications. With all this, the procedure is very effective and gives successful results. The Tummy Tuck cost in Turkey is very affordable and may vary according to some factors.

Who are Ideal Candidates for Tummy Tuck?

Ideal candidates for Tummy Tuck in Turkey are all men and women with a BMI of 27 who want to stretch their abdomen.

Tummy Tuck Procedure

Follow the Tummy Tuck procedure steps in Turkey:

  • Preparation and consultation

Before deciding on Tummy Tuck surgery, you will have a preliminary examination with one of our plastic surgeons. Here you talk to the surgeon about your expectations, evaluate which treatment will be best for you, and receive a comprehensive review of your options. You plan your operation according to your wishes and the surgeon’s recommendations.

  • Anesthesia

You will receive anesthesia and undergo a painless procedure for Tummy Tuck in Turkey.

  • Techniques

There are several different types of surgery for loose abdominal skin. These are the full Tummy Tuck and mini Tummy Tuck procedures.

With the full Tummy Tuck, the specialist makes a long incision and operates both from the south of the navel and above the navel. A significant procedure may also combine with treating split abdominal muscles, as the specialist can step in and stitch up any loose abdominal walls.

The plastic surgeon makes an incision along the lower abdomen for the mini Tummy Tuck. The cut is slightly U-shaped. The abdominal skin loosens from the abdominal wall to the navel level along with the fat. Excess skin and fat are cut off. The remaining skin is tightened and stitched in place.

  • Final

Both interventions can combine with liposuction, which removes excess fat deposits. Depending on the extent of the operation, the procedure can take up to 2-3 hours.

Recovery After Tummy Tuck

Before you go home, you will thoroughly brief by our specialist, who will review the precautions and answer questions in the postoperative period so that you feel safe:

  • There is usually some, but limited, pain. You experience a tighter feeling of tension.
  • The area may tend to swell up to 2 months after surgery. Sensory disturbances, which may be permanent but usually temporary, are common, especially around scars.
  • The scars will be permanent. Previously, surgeons could not guarantee a specific appearance or location of scars after surgery. In rare cases, slippage of the wound can be seen with delayed healing and, as a result, unpleasant scarring.
  • The hairline above the pubic bone also typically moves slightly upward.
  • Infection is rare and is most common in obese people and smokers.
  • Postoperative tissue death (necrosis) is an infrequent but severe complication that may require scar repair and, in some cases, skin grafting.