Thigh Lift

Loose skin on the inside of the thighs is most often seen after significant weight loss. But it also develops with age to a less pronounced degree. There are various reasons why you might want to fix loose skin on the thighs. The problems are primarily cosmetic. However, the excess skin can be so large that it can cause practical issues with clothing, moisture build-up, and skin fungus.

Thigh lift in Turkey has been a method preferred by many people for many years. In correcting loose skin on the thighs, the skin inside the thighs remove, and the skin tightens. Primarily diagonally, but also longitudinally in prominent cases. In most cases, skin removal combines with liposuction.

It would be best if you were not significantly overweight for thigh lifts in Turkey. In practice, this means that the BMI should not be over 30. The thigh lift cost in Turkey is much cheaper than in other countries. In addition, thigh lift results are very successful.

Thigh Lift Procedure

Take a closer look at the thigh lift procedure steps in Turkey:

  • Preparation

It would be best if you prepared well for the operation. Your weight should be as close to an average BMI of 30.

Smoking is the leading cause of complications such as infection and tissue death. For this reason, you should stop smoking at least four weeks before the surgery.

Different types of drugs can affect the operation and cause bleeding problems. Therefore, in conjunction with the preliminary examination, you will talk to the specialist about how to deal with the drugs you are taking.

  • Anesthesia

Since you will operate under anesthesia, you must be hungry before the procedure.

It would be best if you didn’t drink alcohol afterward. However, you should continue to drink water or preferably transparent liquids with sugar. You should not eat anything in the last 2 hours before the surgery. The operation takes between 1.5 and 2 hours, depending on whether liposuction performs or not, depending on the process.

  • Correction of loose skin on the thighs

The specialist removes excess skin with underlying fat from the inner thigh during the operation. The surgeon then pulls the skin together and stitches it in three layers. Next, the specialist will likely insert two small drains to remove excess fluid from the wound. For the first week after surgery, you will be given a tight bandage around your thighs to help support the tissue.

Recovery After Thigh Lift

A thigh lift in Turkey will initially leave red scars and may swell. In most patients, spots after thigh lift surgery are beautiful. However, some may develop disfiguring scars (hypertrophic scars or keloids). In such cases, it may be necessary to be treated with adrenal cortex hormone several times. It usually takes one to two years for scars to take their final appearance:

  • Any action will affect the sense of touch. For this reason, you will experience numbness in a larger or smaller skin area after the operation. You may experience various sensory disturbances, such as stinging and tingling in the scars months after the surgery. However, this will gradually disappear once the usual sense of touch restores. There may be more minor areas of permanent sensory loss.
  • Approximately 1% of patients will experience bleeding in the hours after surgery, which will require a new surgery under complete anesthesia. This is one of the reasons you stay in the hospital until the day after surgery.
  • Infection is sporadic but can occur and requires antibiotic treatment. If the condition occurs, usually after 1-2 weeks, symptoms are increased pain, fever, redness, and swelling.
  • In general, listen to your body’s signals. If something is uncomfortable or painful, you should avoid doing it. You can start taking short walks the day after the surgery, but exercises such as jogging and cycling should last four weeks. You can begin more demanding sports activities only after 6-8 weeks.
  • Whether you can drive or not is your decision. However, for security reasons, you should ensure that you can react optimally in any situation. This means that it doesn’t recommend driving while in pain.