
Rhinoplasty is a surgical intervention applied to correct deformities in the nose. It involves changing the nasal bone and cartilage structures to achieve a new shape that improves facial harmony. Performing rhinoplasty enhances the patient’s facial balance and ensures that the nose doesn’t appear operated. The procedure can change the shape of the ridge of the nose and reduce or enlarge its size. You can also change the nose’s angle or widen the nostrils’ opening with the procedure.

Rhinoplasty in Turkey mainly solves aesthetic problems of the nose, such as deviations, bony prominences, malformations, and others acquired due to diseases. It also improves the breathing of patients with difficulties in this area.

Who are Ideal Candidates for Rhinoplasty?

Ideal candidates for rhinoplasty in Turkey are all men and women who have problems with their noses and want to improve them aesthetically.

How is Rhinoplasty Performed?

Take a closer look at the rhinoplasty steps in Turkey:

  • Preparation and consultation

The patient explains his wishes and expectations to the specialist in the first consultation. The specialist investigates the problem with questioning, physical examination, and nasal and paranasal sinus tomography. In addition, the doctor recommends the surgical plan to the patient by making a photographic analysis.

On the day of surgery, the patient should fast for eight hours and wear comfortable clothes without jewelry and make-up. Also, you can not take drugs such as aspirin, painkillers, and vitamin E for at least the first two weeks before and after the rhinoplasty in Turkey.

  • Anesthesia

The procedure usually takes one to two hours. Initially, general or local anesthesia can be applied. Anesthesia applies according to the surgeon’s instructions or the patient’s preference. Usually, only the nose and its surroundings are anesthetized; therefore, the patient remains awake during the surgery, possibly despite sedation.

  • Incision and procedure

After the relevant area numbs, the surgeon makes an incision inside or outside the nostrils, depending on the type of change. The surgeon may place a splint on the outside of the nose to maintain the new shape of the nose. It is also common to place soft plastic splints or nasal pads to help stabilize the dividing wall between the airways.

During the intervention, the surgeon cuts and models the nasal bones and cartilage to achieve the desired shape. Sometimes incisions are also made at the base of the nostrils. To help the body or support the nasal pyramid, tissues different from the patient, such as cartilage or bone, are often used as grafts, while synthetic materials rarely use.

Recovery After Rhinoplasty

You should rest in a semi-sitting position and drink plenty of fluids in the first few days. After tampon removal (between three hours and five days), we recommend periodic administration of physiological saline to ensure better hygiene:

  • You can reduce the pain with analgesics. Your recovery is usually not painful. You may experience discomfort from nasal congestion only for the first few days.
  • Avoid aerobic exercises and running for a while.
  • Don’t blow your nose hard.
  • Increase your intake of high-fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables to prevent constipation.
  • Brush your teeth gently to limit the movement of your upper lip.
  • Wear clothes that are close and open in the front, and avoid clothes that go over the head.
  • Also, tiny red dots may appear on the skin surface after surgery due to the rupture of small blood vessels. Finally, there is the possibility of undergoing a second procedure to correct a minor deformity or to resolve problems with the first surgery. In this case, secondary rhinoplasty or revision rhinoplasty requires.

How Much Does Rhinoplasty Cost?

Rhinoplasty cost in Turkey varies according to the surgeon’s experience, the procedure’s complexity, anesthesia, technique, and materials. But after the process, you get a unique look. You can contact us if you have any questions about rhinoplasty in Turkey.