Dental Veneers

Irregular tooth shape, damage, or chipping after an accident is problems that plague many people. Even with imperfect teeth, a skilled dentist can create a beautiful smile. One solution is, for example, the currently prevalent dental veneer procedure.

This practical and modern method can create a perfect smile quickly, and its indisputable advantage is that it is indistinguishable from your teeth in terms of feel and function. For damaged or unsatisfying teeth, veneers can be an excellent solution for you.

Dental veneer costs, types, suitability, or the procedure itself are the essentials that concern anyone considering the procedure as a solution. So let’s answer these questions together.

We classify dental veneers as aesthetic dentistry in Turkey because their primary purpose is to complete the teeth’ appearance aesthetically. You can think of a veneer as a shell that doesn’t replace your teeth but covers the visible surface, thereby aesthetically altering it.

The advantage of dental veneers is that they are unrecognizable to the naked eye. It is also a non-invasive treatment that is exceptionally gentle to your teeth. Front teeth veneers can create the perfect smile you’ve always wanted.

Who are the Ideal Candidates for Dental Veneers?

Dentists can use them in most situations that generally involve aesthetic correction of anterior teeth. It is a suitable solution in the following cases:

  • Unsightly shape of the teeth (e.g., one of the teeth is shorter, bent, chipped, or broken).
  • Smaller gaps between teeth
  • Repair of tooth enamel damage
  • Dissatisfaction with the color of the teeth (e.g., after ineffective or incorrect bleaching)
  • Closure of non-aesthetic fillings

Of course, there are also groups of people for whom dental veneers in Turkey are unsuitable or whose placement should postpone until these issues resolve. Dental veneers are suitable for small to medium-sized aesthetic adjustments to teeth. In case of more severe damage, it is necessary to choose another solution. This procedure is also not ideal for patients suffering from bruxism.

Dental Veneers Procedure

Follow the steps for dental veneers procedure in Turkey:

  • Preparation and consultation

The first step is a visit to our dentist, who will thoroughly examine the condition of your teeth and agree on the next course of action during the consultation. The specialist will give you detailed information about the procedure.

  • Anesthesia

Our specialist will administer a local anesthetic to you for your comfort. So your teeth will be numb, and you will not feel anything.

  • Process

The specialist in dental veneers procedure in Turkey first abrades a thin layer of your tooth. Thus, the specialist measures or scans. The dentist will use this to make a permanent veneer.

Until the veneers are ready, the specialist attaches a temporary veneer to your tooth. The specialist will remove this at your next visit.

  • Permanent veneers

The specialist then thoroughly cleans your tooth and prepares it for the bonding of permanent veneers. The effect isn’t only aesthetic but also durable. The whole procedure is painless.

How Much Do Dental Veneers Cost?

One of our priorities is an individual approach to each patient, and the situation of each person dealing with dental veneers should consider on an equal basis. Therefore, the dental veneers cost in Turkey depends on the extent of correction required.

We will be happy to prepare not only a treatment plan but also financing options so that you can treat your teeth with quality care.