Otoplasty is surgery to bring prominent or crooked ears to a more normal, closed position on the head or to reduce the size of large ears. It is a surgery usually applied to children between the ages of 4 and 14. At the age of 4, the ears are almost fully grown. Therefore, you can prevent the earlier the surgery, the more psychological problems.

Otoplasty in Turkey can also be performed on adults at this age without more significant risks. The intervention is responsible for relocating the protruding ears that are too far from the skull and reducing their size if excessively large. It is also responsible for recreating the outer fold if necessary. Depending on the patient’s age, this procedure can perform under general or local anesthesia. You will be able to decide this during the consultation.

Who are the Ideal Candidates for Otoplasty?

Ideal candidates for otoplasty in Turkey are all men and women with prominent ears or problems with their ears. You can ask our surgeon if you are suitable for this procedure.

How is Otoplasty Performed?

Otoplasty reduces the shyness and embarrassment that causes the patient to have an unusual shape in their ears. In children, surgery can perform after four or six, when the ears have almost stopped growing. The intervention usually consists of a small incision behind the ear to reshape the cartilage and allow it to fold in appropriate areas. This way, a more natural ear is obtained, and the trace hid behind. Take a closer look at the otoplasty procedure steps in Turkey:

  • Preparation

Before otoplasty, women should confirm with their surgeon whether they are or may be pregnant. A week before the surgery, the patient may need to take blood thinners to make it harder for the blood to clot. If the patient suffers from fever, herpes, or any other illness in the days before surgery, they should notify the medical professional. On the day of the intervention, the patient should fast.

  • Anesthesia

You can decide on the type of anesthesia during your consultation with the surgeon. This process is essential for your comfort and health.

  • Incision and procedure

If the opening isn’t too large, the surgeon will fold the cartilage or the surgeon will stitch the skin. If the ear is large, the specialist fixes the cartilage to the skull and removes the excess skin.

After the incisions, the doctor can remove the excess cartilage and skin. The doctor will bend the cartilage and place it correctly, securing it with internal sutures.

Otoplasty results in Turkey are very satisfactory and practical. How the ears glue to the head is quickly appreciated. They are permanent and urgent. This surgical intervention strengthens the self-confidence of the person who performs it. It is usual for the ears to ache a little for the first few days after the surgery. These discomforts are reduced with analgesics to relieve pain.

Recovery After Otoplasty

After otoplasty in Turkey, the doctor will cover your ears with a bandage that you will remove after two or four days. You should wear a light girdle or headband for two to three weeks to help the area and muscles heal:

  • You will then replace this bandage with a bandage that you should wear 24 hours a day for one week and two more weeks at bedtime only. It recommends keeping your head elevated for at least the first 24 hours.
  • We recommend that otoplasty be performed in winter, not in hot weather.
  • Avoid lying on your side to avoid putting pressure on the ears, rubbing the incisions too vigorously, and avoiding button-up shirts or shirts with wide collars.

How Much Does Otoplasty Cost?

Otoplasty cost in Turkey is meager compared to many countries. Otoplasty prices in Turkey also vary based on many factors. You can contact us to find out the exact and net fees.