How Long Does a Rhinoplasty Take?

The duration of Rhinoplasty in Turkey depends on the type of nose, the type of surgery, and the skill of the surgeon. Rhinoplasty usually takes 1.5 to 3 hours on average. Regardless of what happens during the operation and what techniques the surgeon uses, we should not ignore this critical issue that the nose surgery should not exceed 6 hours. Because more than 6 hours of anesthesia increases the risk of complications and more pressure applied to the body.   

In addition, as the duration of the operation increases, the surgeon gets tired. Therefore, you should be careful in choosing an experienced surgeon. It takes about 30-45 minutes to perform basic tasks such as correcting the nasal curvature, removing the inner turbinates, and correcting the nasal airway. This can vary from person to person and can take up to 1 hour.

What Factors Depend on the Duration of Rhinoplasty?

The duration of Rhinoplasty in Turkey depends on the following factors:

  • Type of work: The most crucial step in creating the structure and shape of the nose is to take the first step and tie the nose. The first choice for cartilage removal is to use intranasal cartilage. The surgeon takes it from the nasal septum. This usually takes 15-20 minutes. However, some situations require more time-consuming cartilage removal from the ear or ribs. If it is a reconstructive nose surgery and the nasal cartilage is destroyed in the first operation, the next option is to remove the cartilage from the ear. At this stage, the surgeon makes an incision behind the ear and carefully removes the required cartilage. This process can take up to 1 hour.
  • Anesthesia: Good anesthesia significantly influences the outcome of the surgery. The quality of anesthesia and appropriate blood pressure can help the surgeon have a better operation. 
  • Type of surgery (open or closed Rhinoplasty): The surgeon’s technique for the operation dramatically affects the duration of Rhinoplasty in Turkey. Closed surgery, which doesn’t make any external incisions and performs without stitches, takes less time than open surgery, where the skin opens from the columella region, and the surgeon directly reaches the cartilage and bone. However, the point you should pay attention to is that the surgeon’s experience in both surgical methods is effective in the operation time, and we cannot say that the closed surgery takes less time. Of course, the surgeon will explain the duration of the nose surgery to you in the first nose examination sessions, depending on the type of nose and the method used.
  • Nose type: Rhinoplasty takes longer in fleshy noses than in cartilaginous noses. Noses with weak cartilage and needing cartilage grafts take longer to operate.
  • Surgeon’s skill: It is clear that the more skilled the surgeon, the less time he can perform Rhinoplasty in Turkey.
  • Reconstructive Rhinoplasty: Sometimes, the patient performs Rhinoplasty for the second time or even several times. This may require more time to complete the surgery as it is more complex and even requires cartilage grafting in this surgery.

How Long Does Recovery Take After Rhinoplasty?

One of the essential psychological concerns of those who decide to change their nose shape is the conditions that await them after the operation. You may also be dying to see the results of Rhinoplasty in Turkey right after the surgery. However, it would help if you remembered that the healing process takes time. In the meantime, there are steps you can take to speed up the healing process and give you peace of mind that all is well.

The average recovery time for Rhinoplasty in Turkey is one year. This period may seem like a long time in your eyes. But when divided into a timeline, it becomes very understandable and manageable. Meanwhile, milestones of recovery can vary from patient to patient. But in general, something similar happens as long as you read below:

  • 1 week: The splint will remove from your nose, and you can walk without any noticeable surgical scars on your face as long as you don’t have bruises around your eyes. If there is a bruise, the first stage of healing takes about 2 weeks. It is safe to resume activities of daily living after this period.
  • 2 weeks: Most of the facial swellings are gone, and almost all the bruises are gone.
  • 3-4 weeks: You can safely return to activities that concern your cardiovascular systems, such as running and light sports.
  • 6 weeks: After this time, the bones have stabilized. You can continue with heavier exercises, wear glasses and blow your nose.
  • 3-6 months: Numbness and abnormal sensations in your nose will be relieved.
  • 1 year: The healing process is complete. The swelling has decreased, and the new shape of the bony nose has formed.

Ways to Recovery Quickly After Rhinoplasty

After reading these timelines for recovery Rhinoplasty in Turkey, the question that might come to your mind is, is there a way to speed up the recovery process? You can do many things to speed up your plastic surgery recovery. Here are the ways to recover quickly after Rhinoplasty:

  • Pay attention to your surgeon’s recommendations. First of all, follow your doctor’s instructions. You can read thousands of articles about the Rhinoplasty healing process on the Internet, but none can compare to the information you will receive from your plastic surgeon.
  • You will receive specific instructions from your surgeon. Take care of the surgical site to prevent infection, and finally, go for a follow-up examination.
  • Keep your head upright. Lying on your side after Rhinoplasty may cause more bruising, swelling, and discomfort, prolonging recovery time. Even more frightening is that this will make your nose slant to one side and eventually curved. To avoid these situations, keep your head up while sleeping for 6 weeks after the operation.
  • Use a cold compress. Applying cold compresses for the first 72 hours after surgery may help reduce swelling. Just be careful not to put the compress directly on your nose. Instead, apply compresses to your cheeks to avoid accidentally replacing bone or cartilage.

Follow a healthy diet. In fact, following a balanced diet after surgery can help you improve the process by providing the nutrients needed for recovery. Protein is an essential building factor for skin, muscle, cartilage, and blood. Wait for your doctor to give you the green light to resume normal activities.

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